Monday, December 13, 2010

Oral Presentations

Public speaking has never come across as one of my biggest fears, but it has certainly made me nervous especially before final presentations. Little things I tend to worry about like mispronouncing words, stuttering, and forgetting important information. A tendency I have had in the past in high school is crossing my feet and moving around a lot during my presentation, which can be very distracting for the audience and the teacher trying to give me a grade. I have also had trouble with eye contact in the past, I wouldeither look at my note cards or stare at the powerpoint or even at the ground at times. Two ways i can get over the fear of presenting would be to simply read over my material repeatedly and practice over and over again. Another way to fix my eye contact issue would be to pick something to keep my focus on either the back wall or a person I can continuously glance at to keep me on track.

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