Thursday, November 18, 2010

Classification and Division pg 375

The perfect bookstore for me would divide its books on which ones to read depending on what mood I am in or where I will read them. For example one section would be labeled "On The Beach," which would include all of my favorite relaxation reads like the Twilight series, Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, and To Kill A Mockingbird. Another addiction I have would be all of the fashion and gossip magazines especially in waiting rooms for dentist or doctor's offices so this would be labeled "Waiting Room Reads." I always need to have a dictionary or thesaurus handy when writing a paper or while reading in case I come across a word I do not know, so the section with all of those books pertaining to a dictionary or thesaurus would be in the "Paper Helpers" section. Books that I love to read before I go to bed would be the girly, romance novels like anything by Danielle Steele. These books would be in the "Bedtime Stories" section.

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