Thursday, September 23, 2010

The First Two Weeks

The first 2 weeks of college have been all about adjusting for me. I am actually having trouble with pinpointing certain strengths I have shown in this short period of time, but I am going to say that my effort and spirit towards learning new things, paying attention and taking in as much information as possible in class, and completing my assignments. Another strength for me would have to be my ability to adjust to a whole new environment, away from my parents, and being completely independent; I am not totally there yet, but I am continuing to work at it. I would say a weakness of mine would have to be time management, especially during the fall. Practices and games everyday of the week takes up a lot of time and also energy. I always complete all of my homework and study, but it does take a lot out of me, which makes me rely on multiple cups of coffee in the morning; but then again this is all about the college experience. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year has in store for me. 

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